Aluminium Windows

Get the right aluminium windows for your home across Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire

Whether it’s wood or aluminium, windows are something we spend more time looking through than looking at. But that doesn’t make it any less important to get the right window for your property. Windows are a key part of any home’s appearance, not to mention the critical role they play in the function of your property. Try keeping the heat in your home without efficient, well-insulated windows.

Silent View Windows can offer you a wide variety of aluminium windows to meet even the most stringent criteria. Whether you’re looking for a particular colour or woodgrain finish or the very best in thermal efficiency, we have something for your property. As always, that’s paired with expert installation and the best service every step of the way.

Why choose aluminium?

Style aside, aluminium windows are a superb choice for any homeowner that wants to improve efficiency. State-of-the-art aluminium windows are highly efficient at keeping heat in your property, making it easier to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Needless to say, that will shrink energy bills and reduce environmental footprints long into the future.

They’re also highly durable, with much less maintenance required compared to some alternatives. Aluminium windows are resistant to corrosion in the face of even the harshest weather. Installed properly, they won’t wear away, crack and swell over time. When your property has aluminium windows, it’s set for a lifetime – with regards to both appearance and performance.

That’s not even mentioning the affordability of aluminium, which is significantly more cost-effective than alternative framing materials. Whether you’re a homeowner or property developer, your property gets the same great performance and modern appearance at a fraction of the cost.

A wide range of aluminium windows for Oxfordshire properties

We work with leading suppliers such as Smart Architectural Aluminium and Origin Doors and Windows to provide only the best aluminium windows, combining top-of-the-range function with contemporary styling. Whether you’re based in Thame, Witney or Bicester, Silent View Windows offers a vast array of aluminium window styles and finishes. Whatever your home’s style or personal preference, we can provide windows that fit the requirements to a T.

Standard windows, sashes, bay shaped or gable end – we have a wide range of window structures to choose from. Think aluminium means basic and uniform? Think again. We supply aluminium windows throughout Oxford and Buckinghamshire in a variety of attractive colours and finishes, from clean white and modern charcoal to rich oak and mahogany.

The Silent View service

Silent View Windows combines state-of-the-art aluminium windows with a top-drawer service that puts you first. Our team of glazing experts is always on hand to help you choose the best aluminium windows for your home. Think the perfect style, with industry-leading performance and expert installation. The result? Long-lasting quality and a real value add for your home.

No project is too big or too small for our team. From a single aluminium window in Oxford to a multi-property development in Milton Keynes, we’ll support you every step of the way. That includes support when the project is finished. With a specialist service engineer on hand Monday to Friday, we can make sure any issues are seen to promptly. That means complete peace of mind for you or your customers.

Find the perfect aluminium windows for you

We welcome you to browse our extensive range of aluminium products available. If you require further information or would like a free, no obligation quotation, feel free to contact us.